Alex Flux Alex Flux

From Melbourne’s West to the Olympic Podium: reflections on place and performance

Yesterday marked the end of the 2024 summer Olympic season with the closing ceremony of the Paralympics. As we reflect on an eventful games, being Australia's most successful yet and perhaps most controversial in recent memory; we, your authors, are exploring some of the broader themes in the context of our own experiences.  

For many athletes it was their first time in France, or potentially abroad at all. They would likely have experienced some level of culture shock; from language and fashion to escargot and politics. This left us wondering, can you experience culture shock in your own city?

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Alex Flux Alex Flux

So, make the friendship bracelets – Swifties and the value of “weak” ties

Whatever your opinion of Taylor Swift, it’s undeniable that she’s an icon. With a net worth of USD$1.1 billion(1), 14 Grammy wins, and numerous chart-topping hits to her name, it’s safe to say that her grip on the music industry, pop culture, and society at large is tightening by the day. This has never been more evident than now, during her Eras tour – a worldwide sensation that has seen sell-out success, controversy (2,3), the collapse of a relationship and the start of another.

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Amy Mowle Amy Mowle

When systems collide: The cautionary tale of Robodebt

Beyond the surface level issues of legality and efficiency, the Robodebt controversy prompts us to ask deeper questions as to the assumptions that underpin technological systems, and the values we implicitly endorse when such schemes are put into action.

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Amy Mowle Amy Mowle

The seduction of programmatic thinking

Whether it be supply chain hold ups, workforce shortages, cyber hacks or the pallor state of airline travel in Australia, we are being reminded daily of system failure.

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Amy Mowle Amy Mowle

Thank you for vaping

The spectre of Big Tobacco has once again reared its ugly head – only this time it’s mango flavoured and shaped like a USB flash drive.

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