Reports and publications

Policy Papers


Academic publications, presentations, and reports

  • Enari, D., Matapo, J., Ualesi, Y., Cammock, R., Port, H., Boon, J., Refiti, A., Fainga‘a-Manu Sione, I., Reviewers: Thomsen, P., and Faleolo, R., (2024) ‘Indigenising research: Moanaroa a philosophy for practice’, Educational Philosophy and Theory,

    Fainga’a-Manu Sione, I., (2024) “One size does NOT fit all, decolonising research with the Fala methodology”. Sage Research Methods Cases.

    Fainga‘a-Manu Sione, I. (2023). ‘The Fala methodology’, Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society 132 (1/2): 237–256.

    Fainga‘a-Manu Sione, I., Stanley, G. and Enari, D. (2023). ‘Collective or individual—why not both?’, Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society 132 (1/2): 165–180.

    Freiberg, K., Homel, R., Branch, S., Allen, J., McGee, T. R., Vasco, D., & Haskard, K. (2023). ‘The development and psychometric properties of a scalable digital measure of social and emotional wellbeing for middle childhood’, Applied Developmental Science, 1–23.

    Klepac, B., Branch, S., McVey, L., Mowle, A., Riley, T., Craike, M. (2024) “Scoping review of practice-focused resources to support the implementation of place-based approaches". Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

    Krahe, M. A., Stuart, J., Branch, S., & Gibson, M. (accepted, 2023). Supporting the health, education and wellbeing of children and families: a priority-setting study with the service system in Logan, Queensland. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Acceptance date 29/02/2024

    Smith, J, Stahl, G., Harvey, A., Hill, B., Gupta, H., Moore, S. & Wang, J. (2023). ‘Understanding the identity work and aspirations of Indigenous males navigating elite Australian higher education’, Educational Review.  

    Stahl, G., Smith, J., Harvey, A., Hill, B., Gupta, H., Moore, S. & Wang, J. (2023). ‘“I tell my brothers that it can be done”: Indigenous Males Navigating Elite Australian Higher Education’, Research in Post-Compulsory Education 28 (3): 418–438.

    Stuart, J., Krahe, M.A., Branch, S., & Gibson, M. (2023). ‘Mapping the service system that supports children and families in the context of place-based-disadvantage: Potential leverage points for intervention’, Wellbeing, Space and Society 5, 100165.

    Stuart, J., Krahe, M. A., & Gibson, M. (2023). What does the Service System Know about the Community it Serves? A Grey Literature Review of Children, Young People, and Families Experiencing Place-based Disadvantage. Urban Policy and Research, 1-20. DOI: https://doi.10.1080/08111146.2023.2286973

  • Natapu-Ponton, V. (2024). ‘Navigating Whiteness in Education: A Pasifika Perspective’, in: Ravulo, J., Olcoń, K., Dune, T., Workman, A., Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Critical Whiteness.

    Branch, S., & Whettam, L. (2022). ‘Creating a safe space for stories: The role of process and space when facilitating the safe ethical use of stories’, in A. Rixson & C. Lloyd (eds.), Facilitating with Stories: Ethics, Reflective Practice and Philosophies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  • Fainga’a-Manu Sione, I. (2023). The Fala Methodology: a Pacific Research Methodology. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 26–30 November

    Ponton, V. (2023). Decolonising Whiteness in Education: Making academia accessible for Pasifika learners. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 26–30 November

    Heke, D. and Harvey, A. (2023). Culture, identity, and education outcomes for Māori Australians. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 26–30 November

    Harvey, A. and McDermid, L. (2023). The effects of school streaming on student equity in higher education. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 26–30 November

    Harvey, A., Heke, D., and Wren, R. (2023). Strengthening the University Participation of Māori Australians: policy and cultural reform. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 26–30 November

    Ponton, V. and Harvey, A. (2023). Utilising Pacific Methodologies to Empower Students. Oceania Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Apia, Samoa, 14–17 November

    Harvey, A. (2023). Invited presenter. Universities Australia Accord workshop, Parliament House, Canberra, 11 August

    Harvey, A. (2023). Invited presenter. Accord Insights Through an Equity Lens. National webinar, Equity Practitioners Higher Education Association (EPHEA), 20 July

    Harvey, A. (2022). Invited presenter. Job-Ready Graduates: impacts on participation and equity. Innovative Research Universities (IRU) webinar, 21 June

    Harvey, A. (2022). Strengthening university engagement with the Pacific. Australian Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, Canberra. 26 September

    Harvey, A. (2022) The effects of immigration policy on student equity in Australian education. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Adelaide, 27 Nov – 1 Dec

    Harvey, A. (2022). Promoting place within Australian higher education policy. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Adelaide, 27 Nov – 1 Dec

  • Gerace, G., Itaoui, R., Moors-Mailei, T. A., Williams, B., Patu, P., & Natapu-Ponton, V. (2023). Pasifika Communities in Australia: 2021 Census.

Research reports

Policy Paper #1: The impact of school streaming on growth and equity in Australian higher education: evidence from Queensland

This policy paper outlines higher education participation rates nationally, and for Indigenous students specifically. It presents data showing the extent of non-ATAR streaming across Queensland and the post-secondary outcomes of ATAR and non-ATAR students. Finally, it presents specific data from Logan.

Logan is proportionally the largest local government area in Australia for Māori and Pasifika residents, includes a substantial Indigenous population, and comprises a relatively high number of people from low SES backgrounds. Logan data reveal the strong correlations between ATAR, socio-economic status, and university participation, and underline the need for deep and structural reform within both the schools and higher education sectors. 

Policy Paper #2: Strengthening university engagement with communities

This policy paper outlines principles to inform university engagement with communities, with a view to widening participation and promoting equity, diversity, and justice. An expansion of community engagement could be facilitated by measures such as the proposed mission-based compacts, or partnership agreements. However, engagement with diverse communities, and the organisations that represent them, includes a number of risks around equity, ethics, and effectiveness. This paper articulates how universities could be encouraged to expand their community engagement, and how such work could increase student equity and diversity in Australian higher education.

Submission to the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System

The Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System will advise federal education ministers on what reform priorities should be included in the next iteration of the National School Reform Agreement, a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, States, and Territories to lift student outcomes across Australian schools.

This submission discusses equity implications of streaming in schools, the gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Year 12 Completion and ATAR Attainment, and educational outcomes for Maori and Pasifika students along with children in out-of-home care.

Building the foundation for lifelong learning: An analysis of early learning service provision in Logan

This report describes the methods and results of a systematic desktop data collection to identify the assets (services, programs, and interventions) that make up Logan’s child and youth development system, specifically for children aged 0–5. It provides a template for further enquiry and presents a unique opportunity to take collaborative action toward an improved future state, responsive to the needs of children and families.

Findings snapshot: Community asset mapping in Logan

Community asset mapping explores the availability of and access to appropriate and timely services for children, young people, and their families. This snapshot describes the approach, initial findings, and learnings of our asset mapping in Logan.