Governance & partners

The work that Pathways in Place undertakes is supported and guided by its Steering Committee and Management Committee, and through its five-year partnership with the Paul Ramsay Foundation.

Steering Committee

The Pathways in Place Steering Committee provides strategic advice to the Program teams and reviews plans and activities across both communities. The Steering Committee members are:


  • Professor Carolyn Evans, Vice Chancellor and President, Griffith University

  • Professor Adam Shoemaker, Vice Chancellor and President, Victoria University


  • Katie Barton-Harvey, Director, Community Services, Logan City Council

  • Professor Melinda Craike, Director, Pathways in Place, Victoria University

  • Lynley Dumble, Director, Community Wellbeing, Brimbank City Council

  • Alex Fischer, Head of Research, Paul Ramsay Foundation

  • Professor Andrew Harvey, Director, Pathways in Place, Griffith University

  • Professor Alex Parker, Executive Director, Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University

  • Jackie Ruddock, Partnerships Manager, Paul Ramsay Foundation

  • Professor Cindy Shannon, Pro Vice Chancellor (Indigenous) and Head of Logan campus, Griffith University

Management Committee

The Pathways in Place Management Committee provides senior management oversight regarding the planning and strategy, finance, business, and general operations of the Program. The Management Committee members are:

  • Dr Ross Coller, Executive Director, Engagement & Advancement, Victoria University

  • Professor Melinda Craike, Director, Pathways in Place, Victoria University

  • Professor Andrew Harvey, Director, Pathways in Place, Griffith University

  • Allan McLardy, Associate Director, Advancement, Griffith University

Program partner

The Paul Ramsay Foundation has a commitment to break cycles of disadvantage by investing in partnerships for potential. The Foundation’s generous funding of Pathways in Place reflects this commitment.